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345 Batches of Imported Food and 17 Batches of Cosmetics Fail to Pass Inspection and Testing of CIQ in September

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核心提示:中新社北京10月29日电 (记者 刘长忠)中国国家质检总局29日公布,9月,中国出入境检验检疫机构共检出质量安全项目不合格的进口食品345批、化妆品17批。




On the 29th September, Chinese AQSIQ announced that 345 Batches of imported Food and 17 Batches of Cosmetics Fail to Pass Inspection and Testing of CIQ in September.

The substandard food products involve 18 categories, mainly for beverage, bee products and other processed food, from 36 countries or regions. The main reasons are substandard quality, microbial contamination and excessive food additives.

Substandard cosmetics involve three categories of products, namely, skin cosmetics, hair cosmetics and beauty cosmetics, from 7 countries or regions. The main reasons are goods failing to match the certificates, substandard certificates and substandard labels.

Regarding these substandard imported food and cosmetics, entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies have taken measures to return or destroy them, which won’t enter domestic market.

import industrial inspection and supervision shows, Chinese inspection and quarantine authorities, in September, seized imported merchandise with substandard quality and safety for 10,769 times, mainly related to clothing, metal mineral products, machinery and equipment and so on. CIQ has lawfully taken measures to return or destroy 314 substandard goods; in September seven cases of imported car defect recall are at disposal, involving 10 vehicle models and 163,503 vehicles.


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