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Driven by Domestic Market Demand Cheese Imports Scale Increases

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核心提示:我国自加入WTO 以来,受市场需求不断扩大以及关税下调的影响,乳酪的进口量与进口金额日益扩大。据海关信息网(wwww.haiguan.info)统计,我国乳酪从2004年的7244.1吨增加到2013年的47330.9吨,年平均增长率为23.2%,进口总数量超过20万吨;进口金额从2004年的2163.8万美元上升到2013年的23109.0万美元,进口总金额超过9亿美元。

我国自加入WTO 以来,受市场需求不断扩大以及关税下调的影响,乳酪的进口量与进口金额日益扩大。据海关信息网(wwww.haiguan.info)统计,我国乳酪从2004年的7244.1吨增加到2013年的47330.9吨,年平均增长率为23.2%,进口总数量超过20万吨;进口金额从2004年的2163.8万美元上升到2013年的23109.0万美元,进口总金额超过9亿美元。






Since China joined the WTO, driven by the growing market demand and the tariff reduction, the volume and amount of imports cheese increasingly grows. According to the Customs Information Network (wwww.haiguan.info) statistics, China's cheese volume increased from 2004 7244.1 tons to 2013 47,330.9 tons, the annual average growth rate was 23.2%, the total volume of the imports was more than 200,000 tons; the amount of imports increased from 2004 $21,638,000 to 2013 $231,090,000, the total amount of imports was over $900 million.  

The characteristics of China's imports of cheese in first three quarters were as follows:

First, imports in August fell back, the average price grew steadily

Second, the general trade import dominant
In the first three quarters, China through general trade imported 50,000 tons of cheese, an increase of 50.0% over the same period, accounting for 98.2 percent of China's total imports.

Third, Oceania is the main import market
In the first three quarters, China imported cheese from 24 countries, which was highly concentrated. Oceania was major market for imports, cheese imported from New Zealand accounted to 22,000 tons, an increase of 10.6 times; cheese imported from Australia reached 14,000 tons, an increase of 54.2%, both of which accounted for 69.4% of total imports over the same period.

Fourth, the private enterprises were the largest importer, the state-owned enterprises grew rapidly
In the first three quarters, private enterprises imported 24,000 tons of cheese, an increase of 32.2% over the same period, accounting for 46.5% of total imports; state-owned enterprises imported 18,000 tons of cheese, a substantial increase of 85.2%, accounting for 34.6%; over the same period, foreign invested enterprises imported 9,710 tons of cheese, an increase of 50.7%, accounting for 18.9%.
关键词: 乳酪进口 增长

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