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2014年我国进口食品达482.4亿美元 10年增长4.2倍

2014 China's Imports of Food Amount to $48.24 Billion, an Increase of 4.2 Times in Past Ten Years

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On April 7, the 66th World Health Day, the AQSIQ on its official website published a white paper about "2014 National Quality and Safety of imported Food", and notified 2014 imported food safety situation in China. Data shows that in 2014, China's food imports reached $48.24 billion, an increase of 4.2 times in 10 years, an increase of 17.6% on average per year.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, the demand for food imports increased year by year. According to the AQSIQ statistics, in 2014, China's imported food [foods include: meat and meat products (including organ), aquatic animal and plant products, milk and dairy products, eggs and egg products, bee products, sausage, cooking oil, rice, peanuts, vegetables and vegetable products, herbs, canned food, edible protein and products, flour and grain products, cereals, oilseeds, dry nuts, kernel, tea, coffee, cocoa, beverages, alcohol, sugar, candied fruit, spices, pastries, food for special dietary uses, health food, genetically modified food, etc., but food ingredients soy, wheat, feed ingredients corn and other agricultural products not included] Reached $48.24 billion, an increase of 4.2 times in 10 years, an increase of 17.6% on average per year.

Among them, edible vegetable oil, milk powder, meat, aquatic products and other bulk goods imports respectively amounted to 8.541 million tons, 1.499 million tons, 2.792 million tons, 3.348 million tons, imported food safety has become a major event in the protection of consumer safety. The theme of this year's World Health Day is the "food security", the World Health Organization says there are millions of illness due to consumption of unsafe food, there are about 200 million deaths per year, it hopes this year's World Health Day can draw people’s attention to the importance of food safety.

In 2014, from 192 countries and areas China imported food 1.042 million batches, 35.141 million tons, 48.24 billion US dollars, an increase of 7.9%, 7.3% and 3.3%. The first 10 countries and organizations of imported food trade are: the European unio, ASEAN, New Zealand, the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Argentina and South Korea; the main imported food categories include dairy products, fats and oils, fish and aquatic products, meat, grains products , alcohol, sugar, beverages.

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