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US: China's Largest Exporter and Importer of Cross-border Online Shopping

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On July 28, Xinhua News Agency "Economic Information Daily" (the "Xinhua EID") and Visa in Beijing jointly issued the "China’s cross-border annual consumption index report (2015)" (the "" Report ""). "Report" noted that in 2014 the United States ranked first in terms of transaction times with China at the cross-border online shopping. On single transaction amount, in 2014 Mainland Chinese consumers shopped at the foreign e-commerce website, the top three countries / regions are Australia, France and the UK.

According to Chinese consumers cross-border online shopping frequency index, in 10 sample countries / region in this report , the United States is still China's largest importer of cross-border online shopping. In 2014, the cross-border online shopping frequency index of Chinese consumers to the United States reached 1854, which means that the number of Chinese Internet users shopping in the United States’ online shop is about 18 times of the average level of 10 sample countries / regions. Britain is the second largest target country of Chinese consumers cross-border online shopping, transaction frequency index reaching 433.

For China, the United States also is China's leading cross-border online shopping exporter, the United Kingdom and Canada are two target countries of Chinese cross-border online sales. These countries to China's cross-border e-commerce export transaction frequency index is higher, which may be related to the larger number of local Chinese community .

Cross-border e-commerce transaction strength index reflects the relative size of single spending amount between China and the target countries / regions. "Report" shows that Chinese residents buy products from the United States’ online shop most often, but in terms of the amount of a single transaction, the top three countries in 2014 were Australia, France and the UK.

In addition, the "Report" also points out that China's import and export of cross-border e-commerce market has obvious seasonal characteristics. For import, the peak appears at the end of the year, because of the US Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday and other shopping season; the main import commodities are educational products, products growing fastest is clothing, followed by leisure products.

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