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中国正式成为澳活牛出口市场 即将实现对华空运

China Officially Becomes Australian Live Cattle Export Market, Live Cattle to Be Exported to China by Air

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ACB News《澳华财经在线》报道,据澳农业部消息,中国农业部长支树平完成文件签署,标志着中澳活牛出口已在官方层面上正式达成。乔伊斯部长指出,按照出口商供应链保证体系(ESCAS)要求,已设立好供应链条的澳大利亚出口商将可接获进口许可。具体的ESCAS出口安排获得农业部审批,确认符合澳洲动物福利标准后,可启动出口。


澳活牛打飞的入渝 新鲜进口牛肉重庆人最先吃

中澳FTA生效后的四年内,将逐步免除针对澳活牛出口的10%关税。今年5月举办的2015澳洲牛肉大会(Beef Australia)上,乔伊斯部长就曾提前透露,澳方和中国在活牛出口方面已取得突破性进展。澳每年有望向中国出口100万头活牛,价值约10亿澳元。


On August 13, the Australian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Joyce confirmed that the Chinese government has officially signed the health agreement with the Australian on cattle at feedlot and slaughter exports to China.

ACB News reported, according to the Australian Department, Chinese Agriculture Minister Zhi Shuping completed the signing of documents, marking the live cattle exports from Australia to China have formally been at the official level. Joyce Minister noted that according to the exporter supply chain assurance system (ESCAS) requirements, Australian exporters that has set up a good supply chain will receive import permits. once specific ESCAS export arrangements obtain the approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, and is in compliance with the animal welfare standards in Australia, the exports can start.

Joyce expected that air live cattle transport from Australia to China would realize. "China is the world's largest importer of agricultural products. As the only country to get qualification to export live and slaughtered cattle to China, our beef industry will greatly benefit from this trade."

Australian live cattle will be imported into Chongqing

Within four years of Sino-Australia FTA effectiveness, 10% tariff of Australian live cattle imports will be gradually exempt. On the 2015 Beef Australia meeting held in May, the minister Joyce had said that Australia and China has made a breakthrough in live cattle exports. Australia is expected each year to export to China 1 million of live cattle, worth about 1 billion Australian dollars.

China officially became the seventh Australian live cattle export market. Other livestock export markets include Lebanon, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Cambodia and Thailand.

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