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In First Half of This Year, China's Exports to Australia Grow

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According to customs statistics, in the first half of this year, China's import and export to Australia reached 337.01 billion yuan, decreased by 20.2% over the last year, and accounted for 2.9% of China's foreign trade value of the same period. Among them, exports to Australia reached 113.09 billion yuan, an increase of 5.3%; imports 223.92 billion yuan from Australia, down by 28.9%; trade deficit 110.83 billion yuan, narrowed by 46.6%.

The main features of China’s import and export to China in the first half of this year
(1) Monthly import and export value trend differentiated, exports maintained growth, imports continued to decline. In June this year, China's import and export to Australia 54.89 billion yuan, down 17.4% year on year; of which exports to Australia 19.39 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8%; imports from Australia 35.5 billion yuan, down 25.7%.

(2) imports and exports through general trade dropped significantly, the proportion of processing trade increased. In the first half, China's general trade import and export to Australia reached 265.79 billion yuan, down 23.9%, accounting for 78.9 percent of total imports and exports; of which exports 65.98 billion yuan, an increase of 4.7%; imports 199.81 billion yuan, down 30.2%. Over the same period, processing trade import and export 42.48 billion yuan, down 5.5%, accounting for 12.6%. In addition, import and export goods through bonded supervision reached 16.72 billion yuan, an increase of 6.5%; imports and exports through customs special supervision areas 10.67 billion yuan, down 11%.

(3) The electromechanical products exports accounted for half of total exports, and oil exports surged. In the first half, China's export of electromechanical products to Australia 56.8 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5%, accounting for 50.2%of total exports. Among them, the automatic data processing equipment and parts exports reached 9.46 billion yuan, down by 13.1%. Over the same period, a total of seven categories of traditional labor-intensive products exports 27.81 billion yuan, an increase of 1%, accounting for 24.6%. Among them, clothing and accessories exports reached 11.64 billion yuan, down 8.6%; furniture and parts and textile yarn exports were respectively 5.29 billion yuan and 3.84 billion yuan, up by 13.6% and 5.5%. In addition, exports of refined oil products 2.98 billion yuan, surging 1.5 times.

(4) Mainly imported products are iron ore, coal and other resource-based products, imports of agricultural products like barley and wool grow rapidly. In the first half, China imported 111.45 billion yuan of iron ore and concentrates from Australia and concentrates, down by 39.4%; imported coal and lignite of 16.63 billion yuan, down by 41.9%; these two imports accounted for 57.2% of the total value of imports from Australia over the same period. Over the same period, barley imports were 5.47 billion yuan, wool imports 5.35 billion yuan, relatively up 45.6% and 10.6%. In addition, imports of unwrought copper and copper product reached 5.3 billion yuan, down by 28.6 percent; liquefied natural gas imports 4.28 billion, surging 1.2 times

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