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Chinese importers cancel imports of pork from the United States due to the recent escalation of economic and trade frictions

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核心提示:中美近期经贸摩擦升级,进口商取消从美国进口猪肉。 Chinese importers cancel imports of pork from the United States due to the recent escalation of economic and trade frictions
中国取消从美进口猪肉?商务部:政府并无限制或管理措施 属企业自主市场行为

China cancels pork imports from America? Chinese Ministry of Commerce: the Government does not restrict or regulate the market activities of enterprises, it is the enterprises independent market behavior
The ministry of commerce held a regular press conference on Wednesday, during the conference spokesman Gao Feng, released information in the commercial sector and answered questions from the media.
Last week, the US agriculture data showed that China canceled pork imports from America. Will China continue to cancel or buy pork from America?If China don't buy from the United States,  from where do China buy?
Gao Feng pointed out that China does not have any restrictions or management measures on the import of pork, except for the requirements of inspection and quarantine. Enterprises can operate independently and trade freely according to the market supply and demand, price and quality. According to the statistics of Chinese customs, Chinese pork imports mainly come from 15 countries including Germany, Spain, the United States, Canada, Denmark, Brazil, the Netherlands and France.
According to Gao Feng, since the second half of 2018, China's meat imports have shown a trend of growth due to the impact of domestic pig stocks and declining pork output. In the first quarter of 2019, China's meat imports of pigs, cows, chickens and mutton totaled 1.112 million tons, up 11.6 percent year-on-year. It is expected that China's meat imports will further increase in the later period.
Gao said the United States is one of the main sources of pork imports.Whether to buy American pork or not is an independent market behavior of enterprises.
As far as China knows, due to the recent escalation of economic and trade frictions, domestic enterprises have unstable expectations of the us market, which will inevitably interfere with normal business activities.
Source: chinanews.com
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