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China's banana imports are soaring and will expand trade with Cambodia and the Philippines, while Vietnam may lose share

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核心提示:中国香蕉进口飙升,将扩大与柬埔寨、菲律宾贸易,越南或将失宠 China's banana imports are soaring and will expand trade with Cambodia and the Philippines, while Vietnam may lose share
In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy, people's consumption level has been increasing, and the love for imported fruits has also been gradually deepening. In 2018, China's total fruit imports totaled 4.8556 million tons, or nearly 6.945 billion us dollars, up 36.48% year-on-year. China's imports of tropical fruits hit another record high in May, media reported on June 25.
The number of bananas imported by China surged to 227,199 tons last month, data showed. Supported by the data, Chinese purchases of fruits and nuts rose to 720,000 tons in May, up nearly eightfold from a year earlier. Among them, southeast Asia has become China's main source of fruit imports.
Last year, China bought 1.54 million tons of bananas, including 1.273 million from the Philippines, up 70% from 2017 and 16.56% higher than Japan. China has thus surpassed Japan's import record of more than 30 years and become the largest importer of bananas to the Philippines.
At the same time, China is also expanding imports from other countries, such as Cambodia. Before, Cambodian bananas had to transfer from Vietnam if they wanted to enter the Chinese market. But last August, Cambodia and China signed an agreement that made Cambodian bananas the first fruit species to be allowed direct access to the Chinese market.At the end of last month, the first batch of 100 tons of Cambodian bananas arrived in China.Some analysts predict that Cambodia could become the largest banana exporter to China in the future as its planting area expands.
Vietnam, which was directly "skipped", was still China's top source of imported fruits last year, but now has more competitors such as the Philippines and Cambodia, which may lose shares in the future.
Chinainout 为进口香蕉,火龙果,榴莲等各种水果商家提供产品推广发布,招商宣传服务。
Chinainout provide Chinese websites forBananas, dragon fruit, durian and other fruits suppliers market and promote business in China.
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