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Thailand Free Trade Zone Warehose space for rental

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核心提示:泰国自贸区库房对中国企业出租 Thailand Free Trade Zone Warehose space for rental
泰国自贸区库房对中国企业出租 Thailand Free Trade Zone Warehose space for rental
泰国Udomsuk Intergroup是曼谷北部自由贸易区的唯一拥有者,隶属于泰国海关,我们提供库房长租和短租。有超过20辆卡车为您提供便捷的物流服务需要。设施配备齐全,提供高速互联网,配备48个摄像头24小时监控保安系统和标准的消防服务。租户使用本公司设施的其他好处包括免征进口税。由于海关服务是在现场进行的,所需的服务更省时,更具成本效益,为我们的客户增加了方便。此外,我们的位置离主路只有一公里,并且靠近两个国际机场。显然,我们有能力为您提供任何相关需求。
库房面积:800 / 1200/ 2400/ 2600/ 4000/ 7000平方米
电话Phone: 18339988147
Whatsapp/Wechat: 18339988147
Skype: chunzheng.yang
Email: ycz@chinainout.com
Thailand Free Trade Zone / Warehose space for rental
Udomsuk Intergroup Co., Ltd. is the sole occupier of the Free Trade Zone here in Northern Bangkok, under the authority of Thai Customs, and we provide long-term and short-term rental of warehouse space. With more than 20 trucks at our disposal we provide on-site trucking and transport for your logistics services needs. Our facilities provide high speed Internet, CCTV 24-hour security utilizing 48 cameras and standard fire-fighting service. Additional benefits for tenants utilizing our facilities include exemption from imported goods tax. Because the customs service is on site, necessary services are less time consuming and more cost efficient, increasing the convenience for our customers. Additionally, our location is merely one kilometer from a major roadway and in close proximity to two international airports. Clearly, we are capable of providing you with any of your related needs.
We have size-800 / 1200/ 2400/ 2600/ 4000/ 7000 square meter 
Phone: 18339988147
Whatsapp/Wechat: 18339988147
Skype: chunzheng.yang
Email: ycz@chinainout.com

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