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Rankings: Shifting picture

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核心提示:英国《金融时报》2014年度管理硕士(MiM)排行榜出炉,英国和比利时的商学院迎来坏消息:11家英国商学院中有7家、4家比利时商学院中有3家排名大幅下滑——都至少下滑了7个名次。伦敦商学院(London Business School)则逆势而上,今年首次进入榜单,并一举进入前10名,成为排名最靠前的英国商学院。

英国《金融时报》2014年度管理硕士(MiM)排行榜出炉,英国和比利时的商学院迎来坏消息:11家英国商学院中有7家、4家比利时商学院中有3家排名大幅下滑——都至少下滑了7个名次。伦敦商学院(London Business School)则逆势而上,今年首次进入榜单,并一举进入前10名,成为排名最靠前的英国商学院。
今年是英国《金融时报》第10次发布管理硕士排行榜。这个榜单为只有很少或完全没有工作经验的人士列出优秀的管理硕士学位,共有70所学校上榜。瑞士的圣加伦大学(St Gallen)连续第4年高居榜首,两所巴黎商学院——巴黎高等商学院(HEC)和巴黎高等经济商业学院(Essec)分别排在第2名、第3名。
在2014年排行榜中上升幅度最大的是法国的雷恩商学院(ESC Rennes),以及爱尔兰都柏林大学学院(University College Dublin)的迈克尔•斯墨菲特商业研究生院(Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business),前者上升13位、排在第23名,后者上升11位,排在第45名。
除了伦敦商学院,还有4家商学院首次登上榜单——德国EBS商学院(EBS Business School) ,第14名;加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院(Sauder school at UBC),第49名;法国拉罗谢尔商学院(ESC La Rochelle),第64名;以及中国的同济大学经济与管理学院(Tongji University School of Economics and Management),第65名。
上榜学校绝大部分仍为欧洲商学院。70家学院中,仅有6家来自欧洲以外地区,其中排名最前的是印度管理学院加尔各答分校(Indian Institute of Management Calcutta),排在第13名,而印度管理学院艾哈迈达巴德分校(Ahmedabad)排在第16名(参见第39页)。
It was bad news for business schools in Britain and Belgium in the 2014 Financial Times Masters in Management (MiM) ranking, with seven out of 11 British schools and three out of four Belgian schools dropping significantly – by seven places or more. Bucking the trend was London Business School, which entered the ranking for the first time and immediately secured a position in the top 10, making it the highest-ranked UK business school.
The FT’s MiM ranking, now in its 10th year, features the top 70 management degrees for students with little or no previous work experience. St Gallen of Switzerland remains in the top slot for the fourth year running, with two Parisian business schools, HEC and Essec, ranked second and third respectively.
The FT MiM ranking is based on data collected from two surveys – one of the participating business schools and the other of their alumni who graduated three years ago (the class of 2011). The ranking is in part based on how successful alumni have been in their careers since graduation, as reflected in salary data.
Three years after graduation, the average annual salary of top-ranked St Gallen’s alumni, with an average age of 28, is almost $80,000. The Swiss programme scores highly on several additional indicators – it is the best value for money of all the programmes ranked, for example.
The two biggest climbers in the 2014 ranking were ESC Rennes in France and Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School at University College Dublin in Ireland, climbing 13 and 11 places respectively to rank 23rd and 45th.
In addition to London Business School, there are four other new entrants in the top 70 table: EBS Business School in Germany (14); Canada’s Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia (49); ESC La Rochelle in France (64); and China’s Tongji University School of Economics and Management (65).
The ranking remains dominated by European schools. only six of the 70 ranked are from outside Europe, with Calcutta’s Indian Institute of Management the highest-ranked in 13th place, just ahead of its sister school in Ahmedabad, ranked 16th (see page 39).
One of the most valuable components of many MiM degrees is the internship, which many students use as a stepping stone to a professional career. In total, 72 per cent of respondents to the FT survey completed an internship and nearly two-thirds of them (64 per cent) received a job offer as a result, with just over half again accepting such offers.
Internships are most popular in countries wher the MiM is taught over two years or more. All students in Belgium, France and India complete at least one internship, for example. Programmes in Canada, Ireland or the UK are just one year in length and almost no students complete an internship.
about one in seven (14 per cent) graduates from the class of 2011 set up their own companies during their degree or have done so since graduation.
Data collected by the FT show that about 80 per cent of these companies are still operational and provide the primary source of income for 44 per cent of their founders. However, most of these start-ups are small, with fewer than 10 full-time employees.

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