牛津词典,作为牛津大家族的一部分,关注于现代英语,在星期三宣称他们将添加一些最新的词汇。添加的方式是俳句的形式,在2014年能够反映人性的地方可以在以下地方体现到:超连通的hot mess。YOLO?FML.或者是:side boob。
Cray clickbait。Second screen。Live- tweet。Throw Shade。ICYML。
air punch(名词):将握紧的拳头朝向天空,代表一种胜利的姿势。
Oxford's editors have welcomed a new batch of words to their database, validating young people and making life less confusing for old people
Oxford Dictionaries, the arm of the Oxford family that focuses on current English, announced on Wednesday that they’ve added the latest batch of words to ranks. Put into haiku form, reflections of humanity in 2014 could easily look something like this:
Hyperconnected hot mess.
Or this:
Side boob. Cray clickbait.
Second screen. Live-tweet. Throw shade.
Yes, each of those is a new entry in Oxford’s online database that collects modern uses of words. And that’s just a small sample of the many adorbs (adj., arousing great delight) additions.
For all those who are ready to set their quills to parchment and declare the end of the English language, now that such frivolous terms are getting respect from Oxford, please keep in mind that this is not the Oxford English Dictionary. That arm of the family is more like the serious and intellectual grandfather who constantly withholds his approval from younger generations. In other words, the OED editors require words to have much more historical, significant impact before adding them to that reference.
Caveats made, here is a selection of Oxford Dictionaries’noobs:
acquihire (n.): buying out a company primarily for the skills and expertise of its staff.
adorbs (adj.): arousing great delight; cute or adorable.
air punch (n.): thrusting one’s clenched fist up into the air, typically as a gesture of triumph.
amazeballs (adj.): very impressive, enjoyable, or attractive.
anti-vax (adj.): opposed to vaccination.