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How to Drink Wine Does Not Harm to Health? Japan Made Tracking Survey on 140,000 People for 10 Years

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核心提示:喝什么酒?喝多少酒?什么频率喝酒不伤身?日本从1990年开始对全日本12个地区14万420人为对象进行了大规模跟踪调查。 跟踪调查结果显示,适量饮酒、安排休肝日、均衡的饮食和适当运动是健康饮酒的秘诀。








Drink wine? How much wine to drink? What frequency fits? Japan has made a large-scale follow-up survey on 140,420 Japanese in 12 regions since 1990.

The result showed that moderate alcohol consumption, liver rest day arrangements, balanced diet and adequate exercise is the secret of healthy drinking.

I. Alcohol consumption and the risk of circulatory disease
In a survey on 19,000 40 to 69 year-old male objects in 10 years, it shows that the risk of stroke increases in case that the weekly intake of pure alcohol is more than 300 grams, but the risk of ischemic heart disease lower.

II. Drinking and Cancer risk
Researchers has made a tracking survey on 35,000 40 to 59 year-old men for 9 to 12 years, and found that with alcohol consumption increasing cancer risk goes when the cancer risk of people having wine once a week is set to 1.

III. Moderate alcohol consumption and liver Day holiday is the key to reducing the risk of disease
How much wine intake is appropriate? The results shows that in terms of pure alcohol, for the Japanese right amount is 23 grams per day, that is to say, beer, 1 large bottle (633 ml), Japanese wine, 180 ml, in terms of wine, about 240 ml.
Set off liver rest day. a small cup one day might be a lot of people's fun, but to break down alcohol every day is undoubtedly a great burden to liver.

IV. Vitamin B may reduce the risk of disease
It’s found that once people having drinking habits often take in vitamin B, esp. vitamin B6, the risk of people suffering from the disease is relatively low. Vitamin B6 is rich in the liver, tuna, bonito and other red fish.

V. People having exercise habits pay attention to moderate drinking
Through the tracking survey on 140,000 people, it’s found that the risk of people having regular exercise habits to suffer from disease is relatively low, and that people of regular exercise habits pay attention to moderate drinking.

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