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2 Americans and a German Are Awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry

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核心提示:周三上午宣布的2014年获奖者是,弗吉尼亚州霍华德·休斯医学研究所的埃里克·贝慈葛(Eric Betzig),德国马克斯·普朗克生物物理化学研究所的斯德范·W·黑尔(Stefan W. Hell),以及加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学的威廉·E·莫尔纳(William E. Moerner)。


周三上午宣布的2014年获奖者是,弗吉尼亚州霍华德·休斯医学研究所的埃里克·贝慈葛(Eric Betzig),德国马克斯·普朗克生物物理化学研究所的斯德范·W·黑尔(Stefan W. Hell),以及加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学的威廉·E·莫尔纳(William E. Moerner)。
“生物学变成了化学,”诺贝尔奖化学委员会主席、隆德大学无机化学教授斯文·列丁(Sven Lidin)说,“化学变成了生物学。”

2 Americans and a German Are Awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Three scientists, two American and one German, have received this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry for, in effect, circumventing a basic law of physics and enabling optical microscopes to peer at the tiniest structures within living cells.
The 2014 laureates, announced Wednesday morning, are Eric Betzig of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Virginia; Stefan W. Hell of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Germany; and William E. Moerner of Stanford University in California.
In its citation, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the prize, said the three were being honored "for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy,” which allows the molecular processes to be viewed in real time.
At a news conference after the announcement in Sweden, Dr. Hell said, "I was totally surprised.”
In an interview, Dr. Betzig said he had learned the news in a phone call in Munich, wher he was attending a conference. He said his reaction was "I guess elation and fear — the fear that being my life is busy enough and happy enough, and it doesn’t need to be perturbed too much.”
The committee was not able to reach Dr. Moerner before making the announcement. "I actually still haven’t a chance to talk to them,” Dr. Moerner said Wednesday morning from a hotel room in Brazil, wher he is attending a scientific workshop.
He said his wife had called to tell him the news.
Optical microscopes are used to study organisms too small to see on their own. But a fundamental law of optics known as the diffraction limit states that the resolution can never be better than half the wavelength of light being looked at.
For optical wavelengths, that limit is about 0.2 millionths of a meter, or one 127-thousandth of an inch. A human hair is about 100 millionths of an inch wide. But a bacterium is about the size of the diffraction limit, and could be seen only as a blob.
The researchers could not break the laws of physics. But, working separately, they realized they could work around the diffraction limit if they could make parts of the molecules glow.
"Eventually I realized there was a way to play with the molecules,” Dr. Hell said.
By lighting up and then turning off parts of the organism, they could combine images that brought the tiniest of molecules into clear view. hat now allows biologists to look at the mechanism of how DNA folds and unfolds within living cells, for example.
The three laureates have themselves employed their innovations to study biology at the smallest scales. Dr. Hell has studied how brain synapses work, Dr. Moerner has looked at proteins related to Huntington’s disease and Dr. Betzig has tracked cell division inside embryos.
"Biology has turned into chemistry,” said Sven Lidin, chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry and a professor of inorganic chemistry at Lund University. "Chemistry has turned into biology.”
The three scientists will share a prize of $1.1 million, to be awarded in Stockholm on Dec. 10.


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