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苹果Apple Payment支付功能

Apple Payment

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苹果Apple Payment支付功能
“我们可以出去用你们的名义买各种东西。”现任约翰•霍普金斯大学专门从事密码学的研究教授Matthew Green回想起当初的经历,“那真是个非常有趣的实验。”
首先,决定性的差距就在电子收费密钥卡与苹果支付的依托工具-----iPhone之间。密钥卡是不会说话的,它除了传递着信息之外,没有丝毫其他的用处,但是一台iPhone是非常智能的。它不仅仅能传递信息还能够对使用者的行为进行再一次确认,比如:你真的打算买价值75美元的汽油吗? iPhone的主人还要通过将手指放在Home键上完成指纹认证,才能完成本次交易。这项指纹识别技术从5S上就已经开始使用了,在最新的iPhone6和iPhone6 Plus上也同样适用。

A decade ago, a group of Johns Hopkins University grad students tried to hack one of the first commercially popular Near Field Communication payment systems – the kind of technology at the heart of Apple’s new mobile payment system. It took a few thousand dollars in gear and a few months of work. But the system, ExxonMobil's Speedpass, was entirely hackable.

The key was reverse engineering the computer chip that broadcast the payment information for Speedpass. With hacking gear loaded into the back seat of an SUV, the students were able to spoof the Speedpass key fob.

“We could then just go out and buy things in your name,” recalled Matthew Green, now a research professor at Johns Hopkins’ who specializes in cryptography. “It was a fun project.”
That may sound like a cautionary tale about the security of Apple Pay, which the company announced to fanfare on Tuesday as an efficient, secure new way to pay for a wide range of goods. But in fact, experts are excited about Apple Pay, arguing that it may herald a new era in transaction security and help end the rash of data breaches that have hit major retailers in recent years.
For starters, there are crucial differences between a Speedpass key fob and the iPhone that will be at the heart of Apple Pay. A key fob is dumb; it can transmit information but can’t do much else. An iPhone is smart; it can transmit information but also ask its user questions, such as: Do you really want to buy $75 worth of gas? To complete the transaction, the owner of the iPhone will have to confirm payment by placing a finger on the iPhone’s fingerprint reader, which comes standard on the iPhone 5S, as well the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
This two-step process, experts say, could mark a major step forward in security of billions of dollars of transactions every day, particularly in the United States wher antiquated credit card technology – long replaced in much of the world – is still the norm. This offers criminals mass hacking opportunities, as Target, Neiman Marcus, Home Depot and their customers have learned to their great dismay.
But more secure – even much more secure – is not the same as totally secure. Again, Apple offers a useful example. Security experts say iPhones are, in general, more secure than Android phones from viruses, hacks and government surveillance. But that superior security didn’t stop some sleazy, tenacious criminals from finding a way to steal intimate pictures from dozens of Hollywood celebrities and post them online.
The weak point in Apple’s photo security, several experts have concluded, was not the iPhones used for taking many of the pictures; instead it was Apple’s iCloud service, which is both newer and, less secure than the iPhone itself.
So what is the weak point in Apple Pay? Again, the iPhone itself has a strong set of security systems. The same may not be true of your thumb. People leave fingerprints everywher, especially on the glass surfaces of their smartphones. Could somebody steal your thumb print and verify a purchase on Apple Pay without the actual iPhone’s owner knowing?

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