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HP to spin off PC and printer unit

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该资产剥离计划由《华尔街日报》(WSJ)首先报道,它将为惠普历史上一段长达13年的争议章节画上句号。13年前,时任惠普首席执行官卡莉•菲奥莉娜(Carly Fiorina)批准收购了美国最大的个人电脑制造商之一康柏电脑(Compaq Computer)。当时,来自惠普创始人家族部分成员的反对意见曾差一点令该公司股东拒绝这一收购计划。

HP to spin off PC and printer unit

Hewlett-Packard is poised to spin off its PC and printer arm, in a move that will in effect split the struggling US technology conglomerate in two, according to a person familiar with the situation.
The spin-off plan, which was first reported in the Wall Street Journal, would end a controversial, 13-year chapter in HP’s history that began when then-chief executive Carly Fiorina agreed to buy Compaq Computer, one of the largest US PC makers. Dissent from some members of the HP founders’ families almost led to a rejection of the deal by shareholders.
HP’s PC and printer businesses produced revenues of $55.9bn in its last financial year, almost identical to the combined $55.7bn of its enterprise computing, services and software divisions.
The spin-off plan comes a week after eBay unveiled a similar bifurcation by spinning off its Paypal division to shareholders.
Both companies have faced pressure to improve their bottom lines, and had previously argued for keeping their full range of businesses intact, before eventually bowing to a split.(更多全球资讯请关注中国进出口网)

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