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Imported food market continues to grow: over 525.8 billion yuan expected in 2018

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2014年09月22日   中国经济网 


Sept. 22, 2014

The 2014 food industry trend conference was held in Chengdu on Sept. 19. The reporter got the news on the site that China's future imported food market will maintain rapid growth and is expected to reach 525.8 billion yuan in 2018.
“The 80-generations and 90-generations are the main consumers of imported food. ” Liu Qingtao, Senior Vice President in PKU Management Consulting Co., Ltd. said. These young prople have a full grasp of the information with the use of Internet. The quality of imported food can meet their demand for the "security" and "fashion"about the food, so they gradually become the main force of imported foods consumption.
At present, China's food imports are mainly edible vegetable oil, grain and its products, milk and its products, accounting for half of total food imports scale. Almost 69,959 foreign food manufactures registered in General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China.
Survey shows that most people choose to buy imported food or in the future may purchase imported foods. According to their spending power, the highest percentage of 100-300 yuan per month was spent on imported foods, reaching 32 percent. Respondents were more inclined to buy foods imported from the European unio, the United States, Canada, food in Australia and New Zealand. The main products they prefer are dairy products, snack foods and wine, etc. When buying imported food, the top three considerations are safety and quality, taste and price. They minly buy imported products from supermarkets, e-commerce providers or from overseas directly. Respondents mainly get imported food information through the store, a friend or online advertising.
“Safety, quality assurance and the high price are the main impressions of the Chinese consumer for imported foods, ” Liu Qingtao noted. In the future, the high-end consumers will lead the consumption trend of imported foods while the whole market will be gradually extended to the second and third tier cities in China.
According to the current situation, the degree of concentration of imported food industry is smaller, fewer and medium-sized enterprises involved in the food import business in China. The market grows naturally. The market is a highly fragmented with free competition. Because the trade of imported food must meet a certain number of quotas to be completed, agent services group will get a good opportunity to grow in the future.


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