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Falling Oil Prices Threaten Electric Cars and Biofuels

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核心提示:国际可再生能源机构(International Renewable Energy Agency,简称Irena)总干事阿德南?阿明(Adnan Amin)警告说,比起绿色能源产业其他部门,油价暴跌对电动汽车和生物燃料行业产生的冲击看来会更大。国际可再生能源机构是一家政府间机构,也是全球顶尖的可再生能源机构,其总部位于阿布扎比。
国际可再生能源机构(International Renewable Energy Agency,简称Irena)总干事阿德南?阿明(Adnan Amin)警告说,比起绿色能源产业其他部门,油价暴跌对电动汽车和生物燃料行业产生的冲击看来会更大。国际可再生能源机构是一家政府间机构,也是全球顶尖的可再生能源机构,其总部位于阿布扎比。








然而,这一19%的比例自2011年以来几乎没有变动过。2011年,联合国支持下一项名为“人人享有可持续能源”(Sustainable Energy for All)的行动倡议曾经提出,要在2030年以前,把可持续能源占全球能源组合的比例提升一倍。

Irena创新与科技部门主管多尔夫?吉伦(Dolf Gielen)表示,该比例每年的增长幅度只有0.2个百分点,而它需要每年增长1个百分点才行。


Tumbling oil prices look set to hit electric cars and biofuels harder than other parts of the green power industry, the head of the world’s leading renewable energy agency has warned.  

That is because they compete directly with rivals such as petrol-fuelled cars that are becoming cheaper to run as oil prices fall. 

But wind farms, solar plants and other renewable electricity generators should not be affected by the price plunge because they do not face anything like the same level of competition, said Adnan Amin, director-general of the International Renewable Energy Agency, Irena, an intergovernmental body based in Abu Dhabi. 

“We don’t see a direct impact of oil prices on power generation,” said Mr Amin, explaining oil-fired electricity plants only accounted for around 5 per cent of global power generation today. 

“Impacts we expect to see are in the production of liquid biofuels, investment in liquid biofuels and investment in electric mobility and hybrid mobility,” he said on the sidelines of the agency’s annual assembly in Abu Dhabi over the weekend.

Mr Amin conceded the rapid decline in oil prices was creating uncertainty for the renewables industry and may be followed by some falls in the cost of gas, which could pose more of a problem for wind and solar power generators. 

But he was bullish about the overall outlook for the sector, which he said had changed comprehensively since Irena first began operating four years ago.

Renewable energy accounted for 22 per cent of global electricity generation in 2013, according to Irena, and 19 per cent of total final energy consumption, which includes heating and transport as well as electricity.

But that 19 per cent figure has barely changed since 2011 when a UN-backed initiative known as Sustainable Energy for All set a goal of doubling renewables’ share of the global energy mix by 2030.

The share has only been growing by about 0.2 percentage points a year when it needs to be going up by about 1 percentage point annually, said Dolf Gielen, Irena’s head of innovation and technology.

Still, wind farms, solar plants and other forms of renewable energy have accounted for around half the new power generation capacity added globally since 2011.


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