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2014年6月23日 网站追踪供稿




越来越多的国家参与到其中来:美国毫无疑问是最先发动这一行动的领袖,然而,英国、澳大利亚、南非、加拿大和几乎所有亚洲国家现在都在源源不断地加入大规模在线开放课程的行动当中。目前,博客系统和其他平台用于文本型的课程。与此同时,沟通的渠道也不再局限于“Youtobe”, “Twitter”和“Facebook”的使用呈不断上升趋势。


Free online courses, Universities in USA, Europe and Australia

Published on June 23rd, 2014. Written by SiteTrail.

Recently Massive Open online Courses (MOOC’s) have expanded rapidly and as course aggregators became more popular, we are now evaluating some of the most popular education resources currently on the web. Firstly, the dimensions of each site should be considered: Some offers paid courses, wheras others focus on free courses. The rational behind free courses is that Universities and Colleges have an opportunity to showcase some of their best professors and lecturers, which in turn creates an international demand for their programs. What is interesting is that the regions who are early adopters of the educational content includes Africa, India and Asia – typically countries wher mobile internet usage is higher than Desktop usage, due to the fact that most educational users cannot afford desktop devices in rural areas. online degrees is now more prominent than ever and in places like Africa wher many internet users will access the web primarily via mobile phone, degree and diploma courses will have to provide an innovative solution if that market is going to be engaged effectively.

The content providers: So far the top contributors in the area of video recorded training includes MIT, UC Berkeley, Harvard and Harvard extension, as well as the more recent entrants such as LSBF (London School of Business and finance), LSE (London School of economics) and of course the Khan Academy. This of course does not mean that there are not prime educational establishments to be found in Asia: Indeed, both Hong Kong and Mumbai has been showcasing some impressive work too, only that we are still waiting to see more content from these regions.

The content sharers: Right now, OpenCulture, Myfreecoursesonline and Coursera are the three biggest names in content aggregation. What you will findatany of these sites are actually not paid courses, but rather a variety of free opportunities showcased by other establishments. In the case of coursera, learners use the platform itself to try new courses, and upon completion, for a nominal fee, a certificate of attendance can be issued. The focus is not only on degree programs, but also short courses which range from a few hours, to several weeks. We have been able to identify courses across a wide range of professions, these include: MBA programs, PHD and Bachelors programs for business, science, marketing, finance, engineering, medical, the arts, history, political science, alternative health and much more.

Countries participating are on the rise: The USA was no doubt the first movers, however the UK, Australia, South Africa, Canada and practically all of Asia are now making moves to join the MOOC movement. So far, Youtube seems to be the favorite way of broadcasting video related content – but slideshare, wordpress and other platforms are used for text type content. The channels of communication is expanded beyond Youtube – and Twitter/Facebook engagement is on the rise.

Both teachers and learners are encouraged to get involved in content sharing – your next breakthrough idea can come in the form of a short course.


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