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Cross-borer E-commerce Forced to Be Regulated

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By Lihai Gang, Aug.16, 2014

According to someone from "FromGeek", details of national policy to e-commerce and wechat businesspersons will be published soon, which means this industry is forced to be regulated. Cross-border e-commerce in particular will usher in a new policy with many restrictions. In the next few years, there will be a hot industry called purchasing on behalf training. Those who purchase staff on others’ behalf will get certifications if they want to do this. Of course, challenges and opportunities coexist. The key is how to transform, this way or thay way!
According to "FromGeek", regulation administration are taking into consideration the introduction of new e-commerce industry policy. on August 7, National Development and Reform Commission said we will in the next step publish a number of major policies in key areas such as e-commerce industry. Among them, the cross-border e-commerce is put at a very important position.
Zhu Fei, a columnist at "FromGeek", said in recent years cross-border e-commerce is growing in a market without almost no regulations, whether in terms of overall size or the increasing number of participants. With the rapid growth of the turnover of cross-border e-commerce, it will exert a greater impact on China's economy. However, due to the lack of effective regulation, market is now in disorder with a lot gray areas which affect fair market competition. It is urgent that regulatory authorities should introduce relevant policies to regulate the market.
According to statistics of Commerce Department, in 2011, China’s cross-border e-commerce transactions amounted to approximately 1.6 trillion yuan, in 2012 approximately 2 trillion yuan, a record of 3.1 trillion yuan in 2013, and espected to increase to 6.5 trillion yuan in 2016, an average annual growth rate of nearly 30 percent. with the rapid development of the industry, the government had to re-examine the standardized management of the market . Earlier this year, the government added specifically code of 9610 for the supervision of cross-border e-commerce, then launched the General Administration of Customs clearance service platform, and also recently introduced consecutively document number 56 and 57 regulatory policies on cross-border e-commerce. Obviously, Chinese government has satrated the standardized management of cross-border e-commerce.
In the next few years, the market will gradually end this state of disorder, which will exert great impact on small and medium enterprises, mainly manifested by the improved access and the initial costs. However, as long as there is a market there will be a way. For example, to deal with an increased costs in customs clearance, companies that are able to provide a unified and effective customs clearance agency for small businesses and midium-sized enterprises or individuals will become widespread. In addition, if the market space is large enough, short-term cost increase does not affect the long-term development. The standardization is the only way to make enterprises bigger and stronger.
(Translated by www.chinainout.com)

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