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中石化与1号店签订合作协议 将试水电商平台

Sinopec’s Trial Operation in E-business Market under Agreement with The Store

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Aug. 25
The author of this article got the news that China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group)  signed an agreement with domeatic B2C e-business corporation The Store, which indicated its trial operation in e-commerce market following its trial operation in retails and logistics.
According to the agreement, both sides will cooperate with each other mainly in joint procurement, O2O (online and offline interaction) business, electronic business platform collaboration as well as in areas such as oil sales, which means the former will take advantage of the global sourcing platform of I Hao Dian and the 23,000 stores of easyJet to conduct joint procurement of part of the goods so as to reduce procurement costs; Sinopec Express convenience stores ha already piloted in e-business including some O2O (online and offline interaction) business of self-service and merchandise two-dimensional code saving ; The Store will try to start particular online shop to sell specific goods of Sinopec Group; both sides also explore electronic business cooperation platform, conduct cross-marketing and promote the sale of products of two sides; Sinopec will act as oil supplier to offer high quality oil to The Store and ensure adquate oil supply to the later. .
As China's largest and world's second largest supplier of refined oil products, Sinopec as of the end of 2013, owned more than 30,000 fuel (gas) stations and about 80 million customers with VIP fuel card.
The Store started operation in July 2008, pioneering in "online supermarket" in Chinese e-commerce industry. The website is visited by up to 20 million a day, ranking third in the domestic B2C integrated e-commerce companies in 2013 and achieved an overall revenue of 11.54 Billion yuan in 2013.
It is reported that The Store is the first e-commerce partners of Sinopec. Sinopec Sales Co. Ltd., reorganized with a mixed ownership. has cooperated with a number of enterprises this year, including RT-MART, Tibet Dolma Springs, SF Express and other companies.


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