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What will Happen When Wanda, Tencent, Baidu Cooperate with Each Other?

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核心提示:本周五万达、腾讯和百度将在深圳宣布成立一家电子商务公司,总投资额为50亿元,万达占大股。三家加起来的简写就是BTW,by the way,好戏还在后头。
本周五万达、腾讯和百度将在深圳宣布成立一家电子商务公司,总投资额为50亿元,万达占大股。三家加起来的简写就是BTW,by the way,好戏还在后头。
中译英 资讯 20140827
Aug. 27, 2014
This Friday Wanda, Tencent and Baidu will announce the establishment of an e-commerce company in Shenzhen, with a total investment of $ 5.0 billion, Wanda accounting for a large share of the company. The abbreviation of the three companies is BTW, “by the way”, while the best is yet to come.
This collaboration is indeed a perfect one.
Neither Tencent nor Baidu's main business is e-commerce, but they are now actively in the launching O2O business which make them determine to cooperate with Wanda, because there are 85 Wanda Group has 85 Wanda Plaza located in the city center, the number expected to be 120 at the end of this year and 140 at the end of next year. There are 2 billion customers shopping at the Plaza. In the eyes of Internet companies, it a flow of customers that makes them envious.
Therefore, cooperation with Wanda, Tencent and Baidu will share the biggest advantage that is to introduce all the businesses into their own platform, thus forming a closed-loop real O2O business.
Now we have been able to book through "My Bank Card," on Wechat the Wanda Cinema movie. In the future we may be able to make an appointment on the "Big Star" KTV at Wanda Plaza or make a reservation at “Haidilao” restaurant. You can also effect payment through Wechat or Badu Wallet in advance.
Of course, the content of cooperation should be more abundant than this, for example, Tencent can open stores in Wanda Plaza, and sell a variety of authorized physical goods and virtual goods? Or Baidu can set up marketing centers at Wanda Plaza, serving as a showcase of brand and Merchants?
In short, room for cooperation is quiet large. For Wanda, the future goal is certainly to do O2O transactions, but to do O2O transactions, it certainly doesn’t work without online flow and users. It is useful to rely on the Wanda Plaza costomers’ card, but the speed is too slow. Now if it is able to have an access to Tencent QQ, Wechat and Baidu search engine platform, it can solve this problem to a large extent.
Of course, the three parties will certainly have a bargaining process, but the final outcome will be witnessed this Friday. (More news visit chinainout.com)


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