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跨境电商的纸尿裤之困 这仍是一张没利润的大饼

One of Cross-border E-commerce’s Problems - Diapers with Less Profit but still profitable

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From July 2013, 16 pilot cities like Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Zhengzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has launched cross-border e-commerce business. According to the general trade import tax policy, the tax of the imported products may reach 30%-50%, but at the cross-border e-commerce pilots, the tax can be reduced to 10%.

Take baby formula for example, if the traders import baby formula through normal channels, they need to pay tariffs of about 8%, added value tax 17%, the combined tax rate 25%, while through the cross-border e-commerce platform, consumers only need to pay tax of 10%, moreover, if the amount of 10% tax is less than 50 yuan, (ie, single order consumption is less than 500 yuan), the tax won’t be paid.

Currently, cross-border e-commerce companies mainly adopt bonded import mode or overseas direct mail mode, and these companies prefer bonded import and the cooperation with FTZ, because at FTZ, the tax will be lower, thus the product price will be lower.

However, the cross-border e-commerce companies, are also facing a lot of problems.

Although the main product line at the cross-border e-commerce platform are the products for mother and baby and luxuries and other products that look highly profitable, in the current background of the "bargain", it is still a pie of no profit. For example, the average gross profit of diapers in the field of e-commerce is only 3%. "In Japan the diaper cost 1,300 yen, (equivalent to 68 yuan), while at China’s e-commerce platforms, the diaper sells at the price of 138 yuan to 148 yuan, the gross profit is only 3%, due to the too many distribution channels." The miyabaobei CEO Liu Nan said.

The source of goods is also a problem. Take the diapers for example, before it reaches the China’s e-commerce, it will go through the Japanese sources, Japanese exporters, Chinese importers, wholesalers, middlemen and retailers. There are three main sources, the first is the wholesales shosha, many Japanese brands SHALL NOT supply to trading companies or retailers, only supply to the wholesales shosha; the second is the retail stores, many of China's e-commerce companies buy from Japan’s Akachan Honpo; the third is the companies which helps to stock up with the products on the market, and now it becomes a new kind of industrial chain in Japan.

In addition, the cross-border e-commerce companies can not guarantee their products are really genuine. Liu Nan said, the cross-border e-commerce platforms mainly attract China's importers, wholesalers and middlemen, but one of the most troublesome problem is that the cross-border e-commerce platforms can not determine whether it is authentic source, what they only assure is from which Chinese importer or which Japanese exporter these goods come, once the goods are not genuine, there will be a negative impact on cross-border e-commerce platforms.


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