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日期:2015-04-28    点击:5021    查看原图    全部展开


01091404 PROTECTION Foraming shower gel (bain moussant 泡泡浴;corps at cheveux 适用于身体和头发)  Apply and rinse 需要冲洗

       03091401 PROTECTION Massage milky lotion (Lait hydratant 保湿乳液; Visage et corps 适用于脸部和全身 )
       06021502 PROTECTION Nappy protective cream (Crème change protectrice 宝宝护臀霜)可以舒缓由于尿布给宝宝臀部带来的不适  Apply on Nappy Area


20111407 NUTRITION Dry skin shower gel (Gel lavant sugras 沐浴露;corps at cheveux 身体和头发)Specially formulated for dry skin. Lather into wet hands, apply and rinse 需要冲洗

       02091403 NUTRITION Dry skin cleasng lotion  (Lait de toilette 牛奶面霜;Visage et corps适用于脸部和全身)Apply with cotton, no rinse 无需冲洗

06021503 NUTRITION Nappy repair vream (Crème change reparatrice 宝宝臀部肌肤修复霜)Apply on Nappy Area Apply on Nappy Area

20111408 NUTRITION Dry skin moisturizing balm (Baume hydratant 保湿乳; Visage et corps 脸部,全身)Specially for dry skin, apply on face and body.


02091401 TOLERANCE Hypersensitive skin shower gel  (Gel moussant沐浴露; corps et cheveux身体和头发)Lather into wet hands, apply and rinse 需要冲洗

02091404 TOLERANCE Hypersensitive skin cleasing lotion  (Lait de toilette 牛奶面霜;Visage et corps – Sans rincage  适用于脸部和全身, 不需要冲洗)  Apply with cotton, no rinse  不需要冲洗

03091403 TOLERANCE Hypersensitive skin moisturizing balm  (Soin hydratant 保湿;Visage et corps适用于脸部和全身) Apply on face and body 


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