我们是乌兹别克斯坦一流的真丝制造商,我们生产手工打造装饰性的地毯,主要出口到土耳其以及俄罗斯等国。目前,我们希望与全球各国的贸易商进口商达成合作,将我们的产品推广到全球市场上去。 我们的产品生产手艺精湛,做工精细,传统收藏价值极高,因此我们的产品价格是从450美金到30000美金不等。
我们的地毯货真价实,质量上乘,色泽鲜艳不褪色,颜色甚至可保持几个世纪,我们的设计图案也十分独特。 我们生产的地毯既可以用来装饰普通住房,也可以用来装饰酒店和高级公寓。
We are the most leading manufacturers of pure silk , handmade , decorative carpets in Uzbekistan mainly specialized in export affairs with foreign countries such as Turkey and The Russian Federation.(presently, we're willing to establish mutual relations with other countries' importers as well) product is priced based on its size starting from 450 USD to 30000 USD.
It's been well-known for its authentic quality, long stable colours (a number of centuries) and unique designes. Which is appropriate to decorate both ordinary houses and luxurious hotels, apartments.
Additonally, we manufacture orders given in advance according to desired designs which can illustrate real picture of living objects such as humang beings.
Please , feel free to send your quotations in order to get further description and the product examples based on your interest.