出口订单:export order
进口订单:import order
已收到订单:order on hand
领到订单:order booked
寄出订单:order given
收到订单:received order
邮购:mail order
新订单:new order
口头订单:verbal order
电报订单:cable order||telegraphic order
试验订购||试购:trial order
向..寄出订单:to order from||to give an order for||to place an order with||to put in an order||to pass an order
对..订货:to pass one an order
不订货:to pass with an order
对..传达订货:to transmit an order to one
接到订单||收到订单:to receive an order
寄空白订单:to place an order in blank
订货||已列帐:to take an order||to book an order
接受订单||接受订货:to accept an order||to take an order
决定成交:to close an order
执行订单:to fill an order||to execute an order||to attend to an order||to put an order through
完成订货||已交货:to complete an order
寄送一份订单:to send an order
发货||寄出货品:to dispatch an order
装船||已装船:to ship an order
改变订货||变更订单:to modify an order||to make alterrations in an order
继续订货:to repeat an order
取消订货||撤消订单to cancel an order
确认订货:to confirm an order
已将订货列帐:to book an order
增加订货:to increase an order
将定货增加一倍:to duplicate an order
减少订货:to reduce an order
请求订货:to solicit an order||to invite an order
错过一次订货:to miss an order
依照某人指示:to make to order of
按照订单:as per order||as ordered||as one wishes
免费:free of charges
买方负责费用||对方负责费用:charges forward
费用已付||卖方已付杂费:charges paid||charges prepaid
装运单据||装货单:Shipping documents
海运提单:bill of lading (B/L)
海运保险:marine insurance policy
货物装运单||装运发票:shipping invoice
收货传票:receiving note
收货单||大副收据:mate's receipt (M/R)
领事发票:consular invoice
产地证书:certificate of origin
装船通知:shipping advice
船运公司||海运业:shipping business||shipping trade
海运费用:shipping charges||shipping expenses
运费率:freight rate
火车货运||货车:freight train||goods train
对方付运费||运费待收:freight forward||freight payable at destination||freight collect
运费表||运价表:freight tariff||freight list
货运船:freight vessel||cargo boat||freighter
货车:freight wagon
到达时交货:delivery on arrival
于......轮到达时交货:to arrive per s.s. ......
尚未下货||尚未卸船||在运途中:on passage||in transit
5月至6月交货:May/June delivery
5月至6月装船:May/June shipment
货已备妥待装运:"ready||for delivery
立即交货:immediate delivery
立即装船:immediate shipment
近日内马上交货:prompt delivery||near delivery
不久交货:future delivery||forward delivery
分期交货:part delivery
分期装运:part shipment
最后交货付清:final delivery
付清||已交清:complete delivery
交货缺少:short delivery
短装:short shipment
交货期||交货时间:time of delivery
交货日期:date of delivery
交货地点:place of delivery
交货港口:port of delivery
接受到货:to accept delivery
完成交货:to complete delivery
据我公司记载, 自上笔交易以来, 我们的业务已中断了很长时间, 不知是否因为我方服务不周所致, 敬请告知。
According to our records, it has been a long time since we last had the pleasure of serving you, and we are wondering whether something has "gone wrong".
不论收到贵方任何订单, 我均非常感谢. 确信必将如期完成, 并使贵方感到满意.
We shall greatly appreciate any order that you may have for us and feel confident that it will be filled to your satisfaction.
如蒙惠顾, 请寄订单为盼.
Should you think favourably of our application, kindly hand us your order-sheet.
我们相信, 近日内必能收到贵公司的试销订单, 为此恭候来函.
We trust that you will favour us with a trial at an early date, and await the pleasure of hearing from you.
价格表已收到, 请尽可能迅速以铁路货运下列商品, 当不胜感激。
I have received your price-list, and shall be glad if you will send me by rail as early as possible as follows:
请送马路用, 医院用, 学校用, 以及办公室用的各种大小适当的灯, 一共 100个, 谢谢。
I shall be glad if you will let me have 100 Lamps of each of the various sizes, suitable for streets, hospitals, schools and offices.
请寄我公司在本月 5日函中所详述的抽水机三个. 其价格按照贵公司来函所定价格。
We request you to hand us the three pumps described in detail in ours of the 5th inst., at the prices fixed in your letter.
请按照贵公司提供的样品, 供应我司50吨煤炭, 谢谢。