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可口可乐新包装:印上网络流行语 文艺与呆萌并存

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核心提示: 最近,可口可乐推出中国区新包装(new packaging),包装标签以可口可乐字体印上诸如文艺青年、高富帅、白富美、天然呆等网络流
最近,可口可乐推出中国区新包装(new packaging),包装标签以可口可乐字体印上诸如“文艺青年、高富帅、白富美、天然呆”等网络流行语(network catchwords)。

  可口可乐中国区有关负责人王静介绍说:“这是我们在2013年夏季中,专为市场推出的多款印有不同昵称的包装产品。首批上市的产品我们选择了24个昵称”,王静说,这些昵称均选用消费者耳熟能详、广泛使用(widely used)的流行词汇,例如“文艺青年”“小清新”“白富美”等。王静说,第二批产品或有更多新昵称上市。

  据网友不完全统计(incomplete statistics),这些标签包括“闺蜜,氧气美女,喵星人,白富美,天然呆,高富帅,邻家女孩,大咔,纯爷们,有为青年,文艺青年,小萝莉,积极分子,粉丝,月光族”等十数种网络流行语,差不多涵盖了近一两年以来的所有网络流行称呼。有网友惊呼可口可乐“萌死了,很有爱”,“看到就想买”!也有网友觉着“山寨味太浓”,“一开始以为是假冒产品”。


  1. Did you know Coca-Cola was initially green? Today the other name of trademark Coco Cola is the Red Empire.


  2. Coca Cola can be used to clean toilet, removing grease stains and to loosen rusty bolts.


  3. Coca Cola was basically made by John Pemberton, as a cure for headaches and today there is a term known as Coco Cola Phobia which refers to Addiction to Coco Cola.

  可口可乐的发明者John Pemberton,最早研制出来是来治疗头痛的,而我们今天所说的“可口可乐恐惧症”就是用来指那些喝可乐喝到上瘾的人。

  4. I Didn’t know that Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.


  5. Coca Cola is the most recognized word in the World after the word “OK”. Isn’t that amazing?

  除了“OK”以外,世界上被大家最广泛认识的英语单词就是“Coca Cola”了。是不是很神奇?

  6. The production of Coca-Cola is equal to if Niagara Falls flows at its normal rate of 1.5 million gallons per second instead of water. The falls will flow for straight 38 hours and 46 minutes.


  7. Coca Cola is a cold beverage but it is served as a hot one in different countries as a cure for cold.


  8. Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine till 1905, but was removed due to public concern.


  9. Coca Cola has more than 9 Million Estimated Retail Outlets in 206 Regions which is more than the countries in UN and it is also said that the Coco Cola’s global sales estimate is $60 Billion a year.


  10. Did you know every second more than 15000 Coco Cola Drinks are being consumed in the World? Which makes it 1.6 Billion oz. Coco Cola servings every day in the World?




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