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North Korea


The DPRK is one of the toughest places to get a visa. South Korean tourists are not permittedin the north. Potential tourists from Israel, America and Japan may face difficulties. Even thosethat can get in, whatever their nationality, face being escorted by North Korean ‘guides’throughout their stay. UK citizens can apply via the embassy in London, although if you're ajournalist, prepare to be disappointed.
朝 鲜是最难拿到签证的地方之一。韩国的游客不允许到北朝鲜。来自以色列,美国和日本的游客也可能会遇到麻烦。即使不管国籍,这些人能去朝鲜,他们在朝鲜逗留 期间,处处还都是会处在朝鲜的“向导”护送之下。英国公民可以通过驻伦敦大使馆申请,但如果你是一名记者,就准备失望而归吧。 


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