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核心提示: 20 May 2005 KeeCo., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs: We would like to place an order for 500 Irina 262 elect
  20 May 2005

    Kee & Co., Ltd
    34 Regent Street
    London, UK

    Dear Sirs:

    We would like to place an order for 500 Irina 262 electric typewriters at your price of US$300 each, CIF Lagos, for shipment during July/August.

    We would like to pay for this order by a 30-day L/C. This is a big order involving US$150,000 and, since we have only moderate cash reserves, tying up funds for three or four months would cause problems for us.

    We much appreciate the support you have given us in the past and would be most grateful if you could extend this favour to us. If you are agreeable, please send us your contract. On receipt, we will establish the relevant L/C immediately.

    Yours faithfully,

    Tony Smith
    Chief Seller






    是项交易款额高达150,000美元,本公司只是适量现金储备,占用资金三、四个月将造成麻烦,故建议以三十日有效期的 信用证 付款。

    承蒙贵公司一向照顾,若能继续给予优惠,本公司感激不忘。如同意上述建议,烦请赐寄合约,即开立 信用证 。



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