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一、Courtesy 礼貌


We have received with many thanks your letter of 20 May, and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.

You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed, which you requested in your letter of 20 May.

二、Consideration 体谅



“You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. We will send you the brochure next month. ”就比 “We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. We won't be able to send you the brochure this month.” 要好。

三、Completeness 完整


四、Clarity 清楚



例如:As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.

此处bimonthly有歧义:可以是twice a month 或者once two month.故读信者就迷惑了,可以改写为:

1.We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

2.We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

3.We have a direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco.



1. We shall be able to supply 10 cases of the item only.

2. We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the item.




1.We sent you 5 samples yesterday of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 20 by air.

2.We sent you, by air, 5 samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 20.

五、Conciseness 简洁



1.We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter...可改为:We appreciate your letter...

2.Enclosed herewith please find two copies of...可改为: We enclose two copies of...



Enclosed herewith----->enclosed

at this time----->now

due to the fact that----->because

a draft in the amount of $1000----->a draft for $1000

六、Concreteness 具体

七、Correctness 正确 

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