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Fortune`s 30 minutes to try iwatch and iphone6

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仔细检查后,我们发现,苹果智能手表是市场上造型最优美的智能手表之一,仅摩托罗拉的Moto 360可以与其外形相匹敌。大多数智能手表看起来要么笨重,要么缺乏创意——只能说比20世纪80年代造型庸俗的计算器手表好看一些。但是,苹果在将其智能手表化作造型优美的传统手表方面做得十分出色。苹果智能手表足够小,而且轻薄——即使是对像我这样手腕很细的人也是如此——而且,样品的优质腕带还使用了与斯沃琪(Swatch)或更高档手表相同的材料。
苹果宣称,这款功能会在那些希望快速找到通讯录的人中大受欢迎。比如,苹果公司运营高级副总裁杰夫o威廉姆斯(Jeff Williams)使用手表测量心跳,然后将心跳数据发送给他的一个朋友——比如当时正在台上的苹果互联网软件和服务高级副总裁埃迪o库埃。
如果你不习惯三星等品牌的大屏智能手机,那么把尺寸更大的iPhone 6放在手上将会让你感到震撼。这款手机轻、薄,但是很大,像小型的iPad Mini一样。而较小一些的4.7英寸版iPhone 6仅比iPhone 5S大0.7英寸,所以尺寸差别可以忽略不计。
但是,这两款手机的背面均采用铝合金,背面和正面之间的边框变成了弧面,这样机身的接缝或缝隙变得更少。尽管iPhone 6和iPhone 6+很轻,但是给人的感受是制作精良,甚至比iPhone 5S还要好。里面配置全新的A8芯片,在上网时,或在打开的应用间切换时,均十分流畅,但说实话,5S在这方面也很出色。iPhone 6处理具有大量3D图形的移动游戏的性能,应该更能体现苹果新芯片的强大程度。
第一眼看到苹果的最新设备似乎让人印象深刻,但是这些设备仍然有一些问题。可穿戴技术,特别是手表,是非常新的设备类别,目前还不清楚人们对这些设备的需求大不大,即使是苹果手表也无法确定这一点。(是否有足够多的苹果用户想拥有与手机连通的手表呢?)。另外,苹果没有提及手表的电池寿命,而CEO蒂姆o库克(Tim Cook)大肆赞扬了iPhone 6的电池寿命——这是一个令人不安的迹象,但也可能是因为苹果智能手表明年才开始上市。同时,虽然iPhone 6制作精良,但是,如果没有足够的零售商注册,那么苹果公司的Apple Pay支付系统(系统通过手机内的芯片运行)可能面临着与谷歌钱包(Google Wallet)相同的命运。然而,至少有一点很清楚:在周二,苹果再次成为了万众瞩目的焦点。所以苹果公司就已经完成了任务。
On Tuesday, Apple unveiled a new bigger iPhone andthe smartwatch aficionados have been waiting for.Fortune had 30 minutes to try them both out. Whatwe found in our limited test were two impressivedevices in keeping with Apple’s reputation forinnovation and design. But some questions stillremain.

Apple’s new smartwatch arrives amid a watch boomlet from companies like Samsung, Sony, andMotorola. When Apple Watch arrives early next year, the $349 device (at least for the low-enddesign) will come in two different watch face sizes with wrist straps made of leather, syntheticmaterials and metal. Its 1.5- and 1.65-inch displays use scratch-resistant glass. Sensors onthe back of the watch face detect a user’s pulse to track things like calories burned anddistance walked or run.
Up close, the Apple Watch is among the sleekest smart watches on the market, matched onlyin looks by Motorola’s Moto 360. Most smart watches look clunky or uninspired — just a fewrungs above those kitschy calculator watches made popular in the 1980s. But Apple’s does agood job masquerading as a slick, traditional timepiece. It’s just small and thin enough —even for folks with smaller wrists like myself — and the premium wrist straps provided in thedemos feature the kind of materials found in Swatch or higher-end time pieces.
The watch I spent time with was a size 38 — Apple will sell two sizes, 38 millimeters and 42millimeters — with the leather strap made of the same thin, flat material used in Apple’sleather iPad cases. For an iPad case, it’s nice, actually, and keeps bulk to a minimum. But whenused for a watch strap, that same thin, flat material felt sort of cheap to me. That’s a matter ofopinion, of course, and users will have watch strap options, regardless.
On the right side of the watch face are two buttons — a dial called the “digital crown,” whichoperates a lot like the crowns people used to wind up their old watches. only here, that dialhelps to navigate menus on the screen. Screwing the dial left and right zooms in and out onthe apps featured on the main screen. Meanwhile, pressing a button below the digital crownbrings up a brief list of favorite friends and family members.
Apple argues this feature will become popular with people seeking a shortcut to quickly theircontact list. As an example, Apple SVP of Operations Jeff Williams measured his heartbeat witha watch and sent it to one of his buddies, in this case, Apple SVP of Internet Software andServices Eddy Cue, who was onstage.
In the real world, I can’t see pulse-tracking being shared this way at all, but I can see thisbecoming useful if I want to dictate a text to a friend while out jogging. Apple also made a bigdeal over two new fitness apps — one for tracking my movements everyday, the other fortracking specific activities like a 5-mile run — but I wasn’t able to test those out.
If you’re not used to larger smartphones from Samsung and the like, cradling the larger iPhone6 in one hand will come as a shock. This thing is thin-and-light, but it’s big, like a miniatureiPad Mini. At 4.7-inches, the smaller iPhone 6 is just .7 -inches larger than the iPhone 5S, so thedifference there is negligible.
But both models now sport an aluminum back that curves around to the front, so there areless seams or gaps in the body. Despite being lightweight, they feel extremely well-made, evenmore so than the iPhone 5S. A new A8 chip inside zipped along while surfing the web orswitching among apps I had open, but the 5S isn’t sluggish either, truth be told. How theiPhone 6 handles 3-D graphics-heavy mobile games should be a better indicator of howpowerful Apple’s new chip is.
While Apple’s latest devices seem impressive on first blush, questions remain. Wearable tech,particularly watches, are such a new device category, it’s unclear whether there’s a hugeappetite for them, even those sold by Apple. (Do enough Apple users want a watch thatcommunicates with their phones?). Apple also failed to mention the watch’s battery life, afeature CEO Tim Cook bragged about for the iPhone 6 — a worrisome sign, but it also could bebecause the Apple Watch doesn’t hit until next year. Meanwhile, the iPhone 6 is well-made, butthe company’s Apple Pay payment system, which works via a chip inside the phone, could seethe same fate as Google Wallet if enough retailers don’t sign-on. But at least one thing wasclear: Apple intrigued people — a lot of people — on Tuesday. So mission accomplished.

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